the children
I'm hearing the screaming this morning.
screams of Jamal Kashoggi as he was
hacked apart for telling the truth, and
wanting to marry his beloved lady.
I'm hearing the silent screams of the
in the “showers” of Auschwitz as
Third Reich ended innocent lives of
gypsies, Catholics, the disabled.
I'm hearing the impassioned wails of
separated from their children, sent
back to
South America without the young they
and nurtured and tried to bring to a
promised land....
The land has lost its promise.
It survived its massacre of the
the Sioux, and all the other unique
and cultures of North America.
It survived its enslavement of
souls transported forcibly from Africa,
they had ruled the hostile jungles, but
could not
overcome the more hostile—and
Confederate slavers.
It struggles, now, to survive a platoon
cockamamie self-styled pastors whose
similarity to their own saviour is as
close as
is mine and yours to a rabid dog.
It struggles to survive an educational system
It struggles to survive an educational system
rendered impotent so George Bush's
brother could sell computers and
It struggles to survive a health-care
system in which
only the wealthy survive, thus ensuring
that the next
generation will be saddled with too
many useless, lazy
supernumerary trust-fund people for
even the brawniest
economy to support. Unless, of course,
the brawny workers
die out, leaving the helpless wealthy
to carry on, which
equals the end of America.
It struggles with memory loss. Some
don't even know
what the Holocaust was. Some forget
that Russia has never
been anyone's friend, never. Not in all
of recorded history.
And not now.
The population struggles to remember that they, too, can die
The population struggles to remember that they, too, can die
hungry and alone, unwanted and
terrified. Indeed,
they don't understand that that end is
more likely than
dying a self-made millionaire, a
celebrity, or even
a Kardashian. Which is their dream,
supported by
a culture that knows it is not
possible, not for 99.999999%
of them, but profits on promoting the
They don't struggle with uncertainty.
Having to weigh
the relative merits of various courses
of action is beyond
their pay grade. They lack the
education to do it. Their
spiritual leaders are the cockamamie
clergy, insisting
that Jesus would consign black or brown
or yellow
people to earthly perdition despite
abundant evidence
to the contrary in their own holy
books. They do not
struggle with uncertainty; they are
sure that black is white
and good is bad and they will arm
themselves to the
teeth to make the rest of us believe
it. They bear the
mark of Satan, all right, but also the
vacant face of
the stupid person.
“Suffer the little children to come
unto me”
does not mean, as one of the hollow
clergy said recently,
excusing the Border Patrol, to make
children suffer.
Suffer, there, means to allow.
But...they are uneducated,
the clergy and their followers. And so,
the words
of a man of peace are used as an excuse
for acts so vile
that I cannot even list them without
first taking strong drink.
I would scream. I do scream. My body,
racked with pain
these two years since the UK referendum
and Trump,
vibrates to the discordant
notes—although discordant sounds
not strong enough—of the misery of
two peoples, the British
and the American. There is no consensus
on what is causing
my pain, but I know. It is the spectre
of evil, settling on us
like a poison-laden mist. When it
lifts, the physical pain will, too.
I wish I could pray.
Maybe they—we—deserve this misery, the misery that
Maybe they—we—deserve this misery, the misery that
has tripled homelessness, made
prescriptions for anti-depressants
skyrocket. We spent out attention
when the robbers were filling their
satchels with our culture,
and enticing our politicians to join in
the robbery. We spent our
attention elsewhere when the
disaffected claimed all
politicians are the same, all clergy
fools. There are some of
each, but we consigned all of them to
the trash heap, bidden by
people too lazy to think, to discern,
to decide, to act when
action was demanded.
It is our own fault, the vile situation
in two nations. We
failed to notice the Russian runt as he
weaved in and
out among honest, decent leaders.
(Don't go there. Clinton
was a man, not a demon. Blair was a
middle ground between
cockamamie socialism and the Tories,
and not faultless.
In short, a man.) We must learn to
accept partially flawed
leaders lest we get totally flawed
ones, evil ones like Trump
and May.
Are you perfect? But are you good? Do
you try? Are you kind?
There, then. How can we expect more in
our leaders. Goodness,
energy, humanity. I'd settle for that.
I will settle for that and celebrate it if the US and the UK survive.
I give it no more than 50/50 odds. And
I'm still hearing the screaming.
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Stained glass: Alfred Handel, d. 1946[1], photo: Toby Hudson [CC BY-SA 3.0 (] |
C. 2018, Laura Harrison McBride
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